It started back in 1989 when the International Tissue Company was founded under the name of “Young-il".

Our 3ply tissues had been introduced to the domestic market in 1998, it provided us with the chance to develop the technology and consistent fine quality through partnership with conglomerate tissue companies in Korea.

Following this, we established our great brand reputation for Hello Kitty brands with our 4ply tissue,  gaining technology patents.

Multiple patents which are a patent for embossing manufacturing in 2008, a patent for double side deco embossing with multiply layer in 2017, a patent for glue-free sealing in 2018 and a patent for plying multiple layers with glue-free in 2019, we successfully embody the exclusive softness in our tissue.    

Hello Kitty Gold label 4ply toilet paper became a top-selling toilet paper on the TV Home & shopping channel for four consecutive years since 2017.  we have 1.3 million online returning customers for our Hello Kitty Gold label products.

Sanrio, Gaspad et Lisa, BT21, Pocketmon, Samyang are also our licensors thus assorted items are launched with their characters.

‌Through our customer oriented service and product improvement, we promise you a happy and heathy home.